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Anglerfish: The Best Model Building Project for Engineer | Moyustore

Anglerfish: The Best Model Building Project for Engineer | Moyustore


I need to start this by saying this is not my first build of this type of model.  This model is not for a new or first-time modeler.  It could be very easy to get frustrated and stick the box in a closet “For later”.  Try a couple of easier models first to learn the tricks behind this kind of model.  When I first saw this model on the website, I was amazed at the number of pieces and how solid the model looked.  I also loved the look of the completed anglerfish model on the site.  

When I received the anglerfish model, it came in a small toolbox.  When I opened the toolbox, you could tell there were over 1000 pieces inside.  There are a book of instruction and each part is in its own small plastic bag.  For this model they used letter / number combinations to designated the parts so I sorted by the first letter on the bag.   

Over the years I have learned some important things.  The first is to work on a piece of felt of other material. This keeps pieces from rolling away.  Second is to lay out your pieces so you can find them.  I have a folding table about 3 foot (91 CM) square that I lay everything out on.


Another trick is to lay out all the parts as they appear in the instructions before you start to assemble the step.  In some steps the direction of the part is extremely important and this lets you align everything before continuing.  


My final tip is to keep looking ahead in the instructions. At least 2-3 steps.  This will help you determine how the section you are working on connects to the main body and it will verify the orientation of the parts.

Took me about 2 weeks working on it 1 to 2 hours every day.  Again, this is not a model for someone new.  I would say it is a 10 out of 10 for difficulty. Moyustore states it is the hardest model they sell and I believe it.  It’s loaded with small parts like nuts, screws and bolts.  The instructions are good but have challenges in a couple of places.

I need to point something out and praise the designer.  When building I always worried about the final alignment.  Would thinks line up?  Will the pieces match up because the model is so big?  I was amazed that as the pieces came together the model appeared to twist into shape.  As I manipulated pieces into place other sections followed suit and seemed to self-align.  I was amazed.  Follow the instructions and it just comes together.  I am still in awe of how it happened.   


The overall model is amazing.  The pieces are high quality and the design makes you think. When finished it came to 2lb 7oz (1.1 kilograms). The details are great but I have different size tweezers, different size needle nose pliers, multiple screw drivers and a lighted magnifying glass on a stand that helped me finish.  I highly recommend this one if you want a challenge and have patience. Best gift for engineer ever.



 Review by KC 


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